- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Value for Money
5Value for Money
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
Having a car accident with a 6 month old baby in the car will leave you gasping for breathe wishing it's just a nightmare you can wake up to. Unfortunately it isn't. We survive. A no fault claim was lodged. Rental car was issued. So far so good. Called everyday to follow up the assesor and outcome of the vehicle's assessment. So far so good. Then came the total loss. Total loss department handles my claim now.
The nightmare came back again. The 14 days rental car is now over. Can't extend that. We are now without any vehicle at all. Everyday i called them. Wait time is an hour long. Sometimes it disconnect you. If they answer, empathy and customer service is just appalling. And then they ask you to wait another hour or so...while they checked things out and get an answer for you. They came back giving vague answers. Asked you to call tomorrow. And thus the cycle repeats itself.
The accident was the worst thing that happened to us as a family. Dealing with QBE and this claim is the second worst. We are slowly getting back from the trauma of the accident but dealing with this claim is making us relived the stress and anxiety repeatedly.
QBE how long are we going to have this nightmare?
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