Terms of Use
We provide this website to assist You to find the most competitive rates and choose an insurance provider. Your use of this site is expressly conditioned on Your acceptance of the following Terms of Use along with any additional terms we place on the site from time to time. If You have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our staff are more than happy to assist.
The additional terms include:
Privacy Policy
Financial Services Guide
Rate and Review Guidelines
Our comparisons
Comparisons supplied are not a recommendation or opinion about the suitability of the insurance policy for a user. Compare Insurance has not considered Your personal circumstances and needs. As a result, You need to consider the appropriateness of the information given to You.
Comparisons are ranked according to price and are limited to those insurance providers who have agreed to participate on this site. Not all insurance providers are compared.
We provide links to insurance providers to facilitate access to the relevant Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) should You wish to obtain more detailed information.
We link users to the website of the insurance provider where they can seek a quote. Users do not buy insurance on this site - they buy direct from the insurance provider.
Accuracy of data
All policy premiums are quoted in Australian dollars. The premium amounts quoted on the website are supplied by the insurance providers who participate on the site and are subject to change. Whilst Compare Insurance takes all due care to ensure that all it's website, emails, and any other content is accurate; we make no guarantees or warranties that the information is fault free. Pricing and policy details should be checked with the insurance provider prior to purchase.
Licence and use of the site
Compare Insurance grants You a limited, non-transferrable licence to use this site to compare insurers, lodge legitimate enquiries, access relevant member areas, read our content and write reviews.
By using the Site You warrant that You are a genuine bona fide website user interested in comparing insurance policies and providers for personal use.
You may not copy or reproduce the content of the site, including text, graphics, the underlying source code or software either in part or in full. You may not alter, modify, republish, upload, distribute, or reverse engineer in any way any material from the Site including the source code or software without prior written consent from Compare Insurance.
Compare Insurance reserves the right to amend, modify, delete and make changes and corrections to any part of the website at any time without notice. We do not guarantee uninterrupted site or continued availability of any particular product or insurance provider.
By using the site, you agree that your use of and access to Compare Insurance is at your own risk.
Compare Insurance respects the privacy of its users and will not disclose personal or business information to any unrelated third parties without express consent by You. You consent to the use of Your personal information in accordance with the terms set forth in CoverDirect's Privacy Policy.
Online security
Compare Insurance uses the very latest, industry standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt information you enter. This prevents other computers impersonating your computer and prevents third parties reading or changing your information as it travels over the Internet. When using the World Wide Web, the Internet or third party networks or facilities, you are using systems and services that are beyond our control. Compare Insurance does not guarantee protection from unlawful access by others and disclaims all responsibility should such an event occur.
Third party website links
We provide links to insurance providers websites operated by third parties. Such links are provided for Your information and convenience only. We make no representation that a link to an external website constitutes a recommendation, endorsement or approval of that website or any of the products or services on that website. Compare Insurance does not control these third party websites and cannot be responsible for the content or accuracy of the information or other material contained on these websites. It is strongly recommended that you seek independent expert advice if you have any concerns regarding what services, products or solutions may be suitable for you.
The information on the Site is provided for Australian residents only. The laws governing this agreement will be the laws in New South Wales, Australia.
You, Your means the individual user of the Site or participating member.
Site means the Compare Insurance Website, one or all of the websites managed by Compare Insurance and any affiliate site powered by Compare Insurance.
We, our, us means the CoverDirect Pty Ltd trading as Compare Insurance ABN 84 145 649 547.
Link means an internet link between Compare Insurance an Insurance Provider.
Insurance provider means the insurer(s) or policy issuer(s) listed on the site.
Terms means these website terms of use along with any other terms and conditions set out on site. Including but not limited to Rate and Review Guidelines, FSG, Privacy Policy.
FSG means Financial Services Guide.