- Overall
Claims Experience
10Claims Experience
Customer Experience
10Customer Experience
Value for Money
9Value for Money
Bee Careful - Get Cover For Your Dog
I can totally recommend RSCPA for pet insurance. My experience has been great so far (fingers crossed it stays that way). I signed up in July 2014 and a few weeks later my dog was stung by bees on his nose and mouth and was close to death. I didn't realise that dogs could be allergic to bees just like humans. My poor pup was finding it difficult to breath as his throat started to close up. A few trips to the local vet hospital later, I was left with a hefty vet bill. I paid this upfront and then submitted my claim with the RSPCA. They made some enquiries with my vet and then once they were satisfied that my claim was legitimate, refunded me my out of pocket expenses. The whole ordeal was sorted within a couple of weeks. From memory I was reimbursed around 80%. Their staff on the phone were professional and supportive. I've read some negative comments here, but I found their phone support great so if you have any specific pet insurance questions, suggest you call and ask them. My dog is happy and so am I!
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They advertise 80 per cent back- lies- I had a bill for $750 and they paid $50 and that's not 80 ...
Scam throw your money in t...
lying scam artist making profits, they don't cover hardly anything and claim every thing is pre exist...
Distressing...They didn't ...
Paid premiums for 2 years. Dog had surgery with complications. 6 weeks later after 4 more surgeries w...
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