- Overall
Claims Experience
8Claims Experience
Customer Experience
8Customer Experience
Value for Money
10Value for Money
AHM Lifestyle Extras (Single)
As a nineteen year old preparing to move out of home, my parents stressed to me the importance of having health insurance -even if it is just a lifestyle cover. After doing some basic research, I decided that AHM's 'Lifestyle Extras' cover was most suited to me.
From what I've learned having been with AHM for over six months, AHM is particularly savvy and geared mostly towards people who are younger. Payment is easy, as my $16.35 fortnightly fee is debited directly from my bank account. As I have registered to the AHM website, I'm able to view my cover, payments I have previously made, the due date of my next payment, providers who accept AHM cover, and I'm also able to make a claim, among other things, from an easy to navigate, well designed website (that also has a great mobile interface).
Waiting periods with AHM are very good, as there is no waiting period for the majority of services, including commonly used services such as basic dental and chiropractic.
Overall, the experience I've had with AHM has been of a very high standard, with excellent customer service, ease of use, and affordability clearly being clear focuses of the company.
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AHM Very Affordable Cover
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