- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Value for Money
1Value for Money
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
Elders Insurance review by Diane
ELDERS SUCKS - Self-employed Tradesmen beware
They don't have a business category here for a self-employed Tradesman (so had to put it under home).
If I could vote zero I would.
When you are self-employed you have many insurances and you think you are protected - with Elders you are not safe - many years of paying and first claim denied and they will not bend. It has left us in a shocking situation.
This plumber said they suck too http://www.dailyliberal.com.au/story/854978/plumbers-protest-pulls-off-payment/
but at least they approved his claim after publicity. We don't have any publicity.
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1 reviews
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- Terrible 1
ELDERS SUCKS - Self-employ...
They don't have a business category here for a self-employed Tradesman (so had to put it under home)....
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