- Overall
Claims Experience
9Claims Experience
Customer Experience
9Customer Experience
Value for Money
8Value for Money
Very thankful to NRMA
While on vacation over the holidays, our family home got robbed. It was a traumatic experience to rush back home mid-vacation only to find the house in a mess, all our valuables gone. During this period, NRMA was really helpful. We were able to minimise our loss with the home and contents insurance. Thankful to NRMA for easing what was a difficult time for us.
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- Awesome 6
- Good 1
- Average 4
- Bad 3
- Terrible 5
Don't investigate, don...
Discussed today I have called NRMA to cancel my policies and all Association due to failure to provid...
Once they have your money ...
Absolutely appalling service. They refused a valid claim and try to support it with lies. Off to th...
NRMA is a scam organisatio...
I made a review previously, and this is more of a follow-up. We have been with NRMA home insurance fo...
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