- Overall
Claims Experience
3Claims Experience
Value for Money
4Value for Money
Customer Experience
2Customer Experience
Prosure Pet Insurance review by Poor_service11
Poor customer service and long wait on calls
Poor customer service. Long waits on calls. Payout on claims takes an eternity. The only consolation was I got my claims back.
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Overall Rating
4 reviews
- Awesome 0
- Good 1
- Average 0
- Bad 1
- Terrible 2
Terrible claims service
They are super efficient when collecting money. Couldn't say the same about their service when making...
Terrible customer servic w...
Terrible service. Phone not answered in a timely manner, my claim was rejected because my dog was inj...
Poor customer service and ...
Poor customer service. Long waits on calls. Payout on claims takes an eternity. The only consolation ...
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