- Overall
Claims Experience
10Claims Experience
Value for Money
10Value for Money
Customer Experience
10Customer Experience
I was overseas and had to…..
I was overseas and had to have an emergency operation. The most amazing response from this company. From the get go they were there to help and made everything smooth and less stressful. They were always on the front foot ahead of the situation so I did not have to concern myself with the details but on my operation and recovery. Not only did they consult with the doctors and hospitals but would check in on me and ask how I was doing and if I needed anything. They were always professional and helpful and made it feel as if I had someone in my corner as I was in a foreign country this was extremely comforting. They made the whole process of my incident to the operation, recovery and was there with me all along the way until I could safely return home. I would highly recommend this company for anyone who is looking to purchase travel insurance.
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