- Overall
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Value for Money
1Value for Money
Do not touch this company with a 10 foot pole.
Customer service is terrible. I was taken by ambulance to the Paris American Hospital, was left in a hospital in Paris and was not accepted by The Wise Traveller to be covered on my medical insurance. I was seen in the Emergency Department and after the staff checked my passport and my travel insurance they said they needed approval to treat me first from my insurance company. What should have been a reverse charge call and that was never offered. Wise Traveller was only interested in my room number before they would give the hospital assurance that I would be covered. Because I was lying in a bed screaming with extreme pain thinking it was my appendix, they decided they wouldn’t cover me as I was not admitted with a room number. It was a lengthy, drawn out conversation to your company in Singapore and we didn’t get anywhere. Meanwhile I could have died. I agreed to pay myself for a scan it was confirmed I had Kidney Stones and I was to be omitted into a hospital bed. They tried to admit me, but because I didn’t have money to pay (which was why i had travel insurance in the first place), I had to leave the hospital, pay the bill and return to the hotel. The phone call distressed my girlfriend who had made the call and myself who could hear this conversation that was just going around in circles for over 20 minutes at my expense. I have no apology from The Wise Traveller and even with my phone records they say they don’t even have a record of the 20 minute call. Nightmare!
1 comments on this review
We take all customer feedback seriously. Your initial account was immediately accepted in good faith once informed since it reflected potentially concerning inconsistencies in normal process, something we do not take lightly. This was followed by a number of reviews to determine what may have occurred. We apologies that the extended efforts and proactive dialogue remain insufficient to meet expectations even with the subsequent claim being assessed by the underwriter immediately upon receipt. We respect the right of individuals to reflect their perceptions of services received and accept in good faith, all constructive public feedback, positive or otherwise. We remain committed to discussing your concerns at all times.
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