- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Value for Money
1Value for Money
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
The worst insurance company in the market
Made a claim after 15 years of being insured with them. Had to call them week after week after week to try to get a response and resolution but kept being told someone would call me back, no one ever did. 8 weeks later I am out of pocket my excess of $650 for a claim that was not at fault as they dragged their feet and am now in a position where too much time has passed to gather enough evidence to prove otherwise. I could have had the same work done for $150 and had the car back in 48 hours. Assessors were beyond rude and no one really appeared all that interested in helping at all. the claims department are hopeless and only opened until 5pm which again makes it difficult if you work.
After 15 years this has left such a bad taste in my mouth that we will be moving all our insurance to someone else. Told them that too and they didn't really seem to care
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