- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Value for Money
4Value for Money
Customer Experience
3Customer Experience
NRMA claims are tiring
We bought the policy because we can choose our own repairer. Our car recently had hail damage, we filed claim and was made to go to Action Smart at 157 Lower Gibbs Rd for inspection. repairer. We nominated our own repairer which is an NRMA approved repairer but not on their list of "network of partner repairer. Anyway, result is that the NRMA assesor and the repairer could not agree on the repair. I called the customer service and was told that they will book and assessor to assess the car again, it is just dragging on. Apparently there is a list of NRMA network of partner repairers, but the list is not on their web and you have to call and check with them one by one. Mine is a prestige car and I wanted a repairer I can rely on, I finally found one through talking to acquaintances and verified with NRMA. In checking with NRMA on the phone, I sort of got the feeling that they are not quick to confirm them as they are a prestige car repairer and probably cost more. In summary, my experience is as follows:-
1- They subtly force you to go to their preferred repairer through their process and making it difficult for you to do otherwise.
2- They do not publish the list of their partner repairer so limit your choice. So, unless you find out if your preferred repairer is on the list, you go round and round in circles.
3- I believe they should make the list of NRMA partner repairers available on the NRMA website so the customers can research and choose one that they are comfortable. All repairers should compete on quality and service and us consumers can choose based on their quality and services instead of being forced into it.
If you are in agreement with my point '3' and you are an NRMA customer, send them mail to request that their list of partner repairer be made public and have a rating system that we, customers, can put our input. Thus, we have a choice as well as knowledge of quality and service.
**Don't treat us as mushrooms by keeping us in the dark *
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