- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Value for Money
5Value for Money
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
ureliable, horrible and dishonest
Terrible customer service, terrible the amount of mistakes, misinformation which were provided and the time I had wasted on phone to get responses which turn out to be wrong ... endless!They have many hidden rules that come up all of a sudden and take you by surprise; Many emails to them get lost , they even do not process many of the phone call requests I would give them a zero star - if could, they caused me so much stress ...In my opinion they should be banned as a provider.Terrible health fund, look for something else.Warning: they have been purchased by NIB in approx 2017 so do not be surprised if you get same horrirble service with NIB
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ureliable, horrible and di...
Terrible customer service, terrible the amount of mistakes, misinformation which were provided and th...
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