- Overall
Value for Money
1Value for Money
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
I will never choose this insurance company again. I submitted my claim almost a month ago. They calculated my settlement amount incorrectly, and have yet to respond to my email explaining why the amount is incorrect. There is clearly a lack of concentration when reading insurance claims, because I stipulated everything very carefully in my description of the events that occurred, and provided all necessary documents. I am unsure why it is necessary to upload copious amounts of documents when they are clearly not looked through properly anyway. If they were studied correctly, it would be clear what the settlement amount should be. The response time is essentially that of a snail’s pace and it is very frustrating, especially because the customer service numbers that are provided are for emergencies only, so there is no one I can call to solve this simple issue on the spot. I am extremely dissatisfied and will be telling everyone I know to avoid this insurance company.
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