- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Value for Money
1Value for Money
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
When our overseas transport, our flight, was delayed, it meant that we would not arrive on time. We caught the next flight possible. This is the response. first uploaded receipts - they said they did not get them emailed PDF's and JPG's - they said unable to open them recompiled with alternate programs - they accepted them Section 13 Alternate Transport Expenses, states “We will pay your Reasonable additional travel expenses to reach a wedding, funeral, conference, sporting event or prepaid travel/tour arrangements on time if your scheduled overseas transport is cancelled, delayed, shortened or diverted and that means you would not arrive on time. Our prepaid travel/tour arrangement was to arrive in Brisbane, prepaid on the 1/9/2018. They replied "We appreciate you wanted to return home from your trip on time, however, arriving home is not a planned event. Pre-booked tour arrangements in this instance refer to tours provided by tour operated by tour companies and guides. Self guided arrangements are not considered tours." They constantly quote words that are not in their PDS or refer you sections that mean where you don’t meet the criteria. They try to discourage you from claiming.
1 comments on this review
We certainly do not discourage our customers from submitting a claim and we work to reimburse claims to the extent the policy and underwriting allows. All claims are assessed on a case-by-case basis, I’m sorry to hear that you were unhappy with the outcome of your claim. However, you can choose to have your claim escalated and reviewed by an independent panel if you wish.
To organise a review please email your policy details outlining your complaint to [email protected]
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