- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Customer Experience
2Customer Experience
Value for Money
1Value for Money
Incapable of handleing some of he medical Claims
Be prepared to be thrown out on the street, If you come down with a serious illness (Not Corona) , it is highly that they will be able to assist you in getting the necessary guarantees to the hospital , arranging the correct or any medical support - In short you will be on your own. There global medical 24/7/365 Medical assistance firm is a Monty Python Joke - And this was not a pre existing condition - (Your on your own) If your comfortable with not getting an illness and only have an injury you may be OK - I would bank on First Assist (Simply Travel Insurance ) being any assistance - There is a reasonable probability you could die in the gutter if you don't have your own resources -They are not there to help in any timely manor
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