- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Value for Money
1Value for Money
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
They don't pay claims!
Operation 1. Delayed due to initial decline, left me in ER for a day whilst the issue was resolved!. Operation 2. They declined the doctors bills. The pharmacy costs and consumables. I have over $8k expenses and it appears they are refusing to pay a cent. I'm trying to recover from cancer and have been stuck battling with HBF for the last fortnight....this health fund is a con! They fine print exclude cover on items all other major health funds on the same tier cover. Don't be fooled by their marketing....
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- Awesome 7
- Good 2
- Average 1
- Bad 1
- Terrible 1
They don't pay claims!...
Operation 1. Delayed due to initial decline, left me in ER for a day whilst the issue was resolved!. ...
HBF review
Generally a good insurer and handles claims well. As long as you are covered under your policy and ke...
Awesome customer service
Fast and efficient customer service, great range of policies for a range of budgets. Easy to use, jus...
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