- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
Value for Money
1Value for Money
Do NOT use QBE for travel insurance - You are unlikely to make a successful claim
My dad was about to go visit his family but unfortunately, my mum's health deteriorated so he had to cancel his trip. She unfortunately also passed away not long after. This was all very sudden, and my mum although was diagnosed with cancer (this was over 7 years ago) has been really well with no symptoms, hence my dad was going to go on the short trip (this was by himself).When my dad tried to claim it, due to the sudden deterioration of my mum's health, QBE made him go through so many hoops even though he had to cope with the grief. He initially got a letter from the specialist, but this was not enough, he had to get a dr to fill in a "form". Then apparently the "form" was not the "current" one, so he had to go back to the dr to fill in an almost identical form. This was then rejected again as "not enough information". It was not until the fourth time, that we got a response, and it was to reject the claim and it was because my mum was 'diagnosed' before the policy was taken out. Something I don't understand, because the policy was for my dad and not my mum. My dad can't even make a claim because he had to cancel a trip because a loved one was unwell? The process took almost six months as well. My dad made the claim before my mum passed away as she was in hospital, and we did not get the response 3 months after she passed away.
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