- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Customer Experience
3Customer Experience
Value for Money
6Value for Money
Don't expect reimbursement for expenses
We were booked on the Ghan to travel from Darwin to Adelaide in November 2020. Train was unable to get to Darwin for us to board as the NT government closed its border from South Australia when COVID-19 raised it ugly head there. Train was refused entry into NT. Had to book additional flights to get back to Sydney. $730. Tried to claim but refused as policy doesn't cover expenses incurred due to a pandemic. The way I see it is we were able to still travel from NT into South Australia and from there to Sydney so it was the fact that the train never arrived for us to board was the actual cause. As a typical insurer Zoom has stuck to their policy wording and I'm out of pocket due to a useless insurance product. My advice, Read the PDS very carefully during these uncertain times or you may find yourself out of pocket just like me!
2 comments on this review
We understand that it's disappointing to have your travel plans cancelled due to circumstances outside of your control and I'm sorry to hear that you were left out of pocket on this occasion.
All insurance policies contain exclusions as no one would be able to afford the policy if insurers covered every scenario. Indeed, all of Zoom's policies have a general exclusion for any claim related to epidemics and pandemics and always has done. We do however cover many other scenarios for cancellations such as bad weather, injury, illness and strikes so I wouldn't say that the insurance product is useless.
Whilst Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) are lengthy documents, they are written so travellers are aware of what is and isn't covered prior to purchasing their policy. In addition to being listed as a general exclusion in our PDS, we also highlight the exclusion for epidemics and pandemics within our purchase path.
Travel has changed forever and the uncertainty and rapidly changing travel environment is certainly challenge.
We wish you safe and happy travels in the future.
Warm regards, Eva | Customer Service
We understand that it's disappointing to have your travel plans cancelled due to circumstances outside of your control and I'm sorry to hear that you were left out of pocket on this occasion.
All insurance policies contain exclusions as no one would be able to afford the policy if insurers covered every scenario. Indeed, all of Zoom's policies have a general exclusion for any claim related to epidemics and pandemics and always has done. We do however cover many other scenarios for cancellations such as bad weather, injury, illness and strikes so I wouldn't say that the insurance product is useless.
Whilst Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) are lengthy documents, they are written so travellers are aware of what is and isn't covered prior to purchasing their policy. In addition to being listed as a general exclusion in our PDS, we also highlight the exclusion for epidemics and pandemics within our purchase path.
Travel has changed forever and the uncertainty and rapidly changing travel environment is certainly challenge.
We wish you safe and happy travels in the future.
Warm regards, Eva | Customer Service
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