- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Value for Money
3Value for Money
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
The worst insurer ever
Impossible to deal with. I had two claims but they somehow conflated them into one - and denied that I had lodged the second one. I had to start again but their system pre-empted everything I tried to type because it was all held in memory from my first attempt to lodge the claim. They delayed repeatedly and demanded documentation that was completely unrelated to the claim, constantly disbelieving me until they sent it off to their 'fraud investigators'. They ignored my actual loss on one claim and discounted it by $40-odd by using an entirely fictitious exchange rate. (They also made an 'arithmetical error' of over $200 on that claim but eventually paid that component when I complained.) I was repeatedly given incorrect or confusing information and I suspect that an attempted scam I received arose from someone breaching their system to access my data. The whole experience was awful and I would never consider another policy with them under any conditions.
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