- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Value for Money
1Value for Money
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
Don't bother! Read the fine print and forget it if you have a Mental Health Condition!
Purchased through Flight centre as their preferred Insurance company.
Had to make a claim after cancelling my trip due to Mental health Issues.
Customer service through my claim was non existent. The process is incredibly invasive, timely and unprofessional with hidden loop holes that Cover More happily use. Claim was rejected based on a "pre-existing" condition, however no actual medical records stated this they simply relied on a GP statement that they chose not to follow up or research. They discriminate against Mental Health and are completely ignorant in the matter.
Their sales representatives are incompetent, under trained and plain rude.
If you are discriminated against with a mental health condition by Cover More get in contact with Beyond Blue or Laura Lombardo. Take your matter further.
They have lost me as a future client and will never recommend them to a fellow traveller again.
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