- Overall
Claims Experience
1Claims Experience
Customer Experience
1Customer Experience
Value for Money
1Value for Money
HCF does not negotiate with customers
Been a customer for 20yrs and without knowing HCF they changed the current cover I had to not include bariatric surgeries - I previously had this surgery covered by HCF and now need revision due to a medical reason - HCF just palmed me off advising i have to change cover and wait for one year to get the benefit and get the procedure paid - this is after 20 years with HCF and on a good top cover - Shame on you HCF to treat your members like that - even when I offered to back pay my premium I was just palmed off with " these are the rules - HCF does not negotiate with members and there is nothing we are willing to do for you" there was not an ounce of sympathy talking to the Reps or any sort of offering a solution to a member of 20yrs.Totally upset by the lack of support by this Health Care Provider and by the fact that I trusted them for 20yrs to be told " tough luck " They won't be seeing my payments for much longer.
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- Awesome 10
- Good 8
- Average 5
- Bad 4
- Terrible 5
The worst. And don't p...
I've been a loyal customer of HCF for 6 years and don't normally need to make any claims. The...
Don't trust or rely on...
I have had spoken to multiple staffs on their hotline to resolve a simple enquiry. I ended up with an...
HCF does not negotiate wit...
Been a customer for 20yrs and without knowing HCF they changed the current cover I had to not include...
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