- Overall
Claims Experience
9Claims Experience
Value for Money
9Value for Money
Customer Experience
8Customer Experience
HCF review by sweet_addison
Everything was hassle free. Thank You HCF!
Opt for HCF if you don’t want to leave anything to chance when planning a family. Their Top Plus and Super Multicover is a comprehensive plan and covers everything, including the nutrition consultant’s fee. All the hospital expenses were covered by them, and everything was done hassle free. Thank You HCF!
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33 reviews
- Awesome 10
- Good 8
- Average 5
- Bad 4
- Terrible 5
The worst. And don't p...
I've been a loyal customer of HCF for 6 years and don't normally need to make any claims. The...
Don't trust or rely on...
I have had spoken to multiple staffs on their hotline to resolve a simple enquiry. I ended up with an...
HCF does not negotiate wit...
Been a customer for 20yrs and without knowing HCF they changed the current cover I had to not include...
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